Tempo Mata (テンポ)

♪ Details
  • name meaning: Tempo = music speed, Mata = 'eye'
  • vb type: CV, monopitch, romaji encoded, hiragana aliased
  • voice provider/manager: treb (hi)
  • age: 20-23
  • height: something average

  • Tempo version 2 is available for download here (DL). file is titled 'teo' referring to Tempo V1 who is unavailable for download (this may change in the future).

    Tempo was created as a way to preserve my pre-hormone therapy voice, and so cannot be rerecorded. if I make future iterations they will sound different!

    terms of use (included in readme.txt)

    when publishing work with this voicebank, include its name and creator (as my username, trebvor)
    hateful content of any kind is prohibited, as is redistribution, commercial usage, and editing of Tempo's voice sample files (editing configuration files like oto.ini or frq is fine and encouraged for personal use, his configuration is very not perfect).

    should this voicebank be discontinued/made unavailable, ask for permission regarding redistribution

    latest cover and more on my youtube